Monday, September 9, 2013

Currently starting the process of making cultured soda

I have a mild-to-moderate DIY streak, which for the most part has brought me modest success and not too much trouble.  This may change with the advent of my discovery of cultured soda.

It's a multi-day, multi-step process.  The first several days involve the gentle fermentation of grated ginger and sugar in water (this is known as the "ginger bug").  After a while, you take 1/2 cup of ginger bug and add it to some sort of fruit juice.  I'm starting with pureed red grapes, though apparently apple juice works well too.  I'm curious to see if orange juice would be effective, because orange+ginger seems like it would be a tasty combo.

After that, you transfer the bug+juice to a clean empty soda bottle, and let it sit until the bottle feels like it's built some pressure up, at which point it can be refrigerated and enjoyed.

(I'm skipping all of the helpful tips about occasionally skimming off the mold, because for all I know my friends might be reading this and will subsequently refuse to taste-test.  Taste-testing and objective opinions will be key, because I don't drink soda.  I did mention that, didn't I?)

This is sort of what the ginger bug looks like
This is what the finished product will ostensibly look like

And these are among the first results you get when you Google Image search "fermentation explosions".  Fingers crossed...

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